Download currex.prc to your computer. On Windows use the Palm Desktop Quick Install to add currex.prc to the list of files to upload at the next HotSync. On other systems use your favorite tool to sync currex.prc to your handheld. If you are upgrading from a very old version of Currency and you find any problem (this is not foreseen), you may have a database compatibility problem. In this case, just delete Currency from your Palm (which automatically will also delete the database) and load it again.
Both the Currency application and the update database cupdate.pdb can be installed either in the main memory of the handheld or on an expansion card. When Currency starts it looks for cupdate.pdb first in the main memory and then on the expansion card. If cupdate.pdb is found Currency updates its database and deletes cupdate.pdb.
Note that if you want to use the conduit Currency has to be installed in the handheld main memory. The conduit does not work when Currency is installed on an expansion card.