Main features
- Daily updated rates.
- Simultaneous update of all displayed currencies.
- Algebraic calculator.
- Up to 10 user defined currencies or trading values.
- Date of exchange rate update stored for each individual currency. A warning symbol is displayed for an outdated database or an individually outdated exchange rate (depending on an user defined validity period).
- Three font sizes.
- Decimal and thousand grouping symbol set as defined in the system preferences settings.
- All calculations are performed in double precision. Up to 18 digits displayed with about 14 digits of precision (least significant digits may be incorrect if more then 14 digits are displayed).
Display configuration
- Simple selection of displayed currencies.
- Currency reordering easily performed by "dragging" currency codes.
- Programmable user default settings.
On-line update of exchange rates
- Devices with internet connectivity can download the daily update directly. Use menu item Settings -> Download rates on the main form.
- URL for the download (default
) can be edited by the user.
Individual currency options
- User editable exchange rates for non-Euro currencies.
- Number of displayed decimals.
- User defined reference currency.
- Note: Internally, the reference currency is always the Euro. A different setting of the reference currency only provides an easier way to check the displayed rates against an user defined currency.
User defined currencies
- Up to 10 user defined currencies or trading values.
- The download of an updated Currency prc or database update does not affect the user defined currencies and settings.
- User defined validity period for rates in use.
- A warning symbol is displayed near each currency code whenever the specifed validity period expires
Fast tax
- Configurable button for addition / subtraction of a user defined tax.